Monday, August 3, 2009

Out of your comfort zone!

I love to crochet! I love to design and create clothing. It brings me so much joy! I am currently working on a new halter top design. It is kinda frustrating me because I keep taking it apart because the vision changes as the design comes to life! It is going to be nice when it is completed. I will more than likely put it on my Etsy shop.

I don't know how I came to crochet clothing. I took a crochet class after school in elementary school. I stopped as I got older. I began crocheting again while recovering from a car accident. I never knew that it would become a way of life. It would calm me. It would make me move beyond my limits. . . out of my comfort zone.

I begin projects, get bored, start something new, and go back to the original piece I was working on. I have to feel what I am making. The yarn tells me what to create. If I begin a piece and it doesn't fall into place. . . I take it apart and begin again. It frustrates me sometimes. . . but, the items take on a life of their own. They are each an individual creation. I have to accept that. I guess like each one of us are different and we must accept eachother.

I was reading about the Samaritan Woman today in my devotional time. The Jewish people had contempt for Samaritans. It was so intense that they would NOT travel through Samaria, even thoug it was the shortest route from Jerusalem to Galilee. Jesus knew this, and to be in Samaria was a scandalous thing! Yet, Jesus went out of His way to prove a point. Everyone is important to Him. We are all different, we all sin, and He loves all of us enough to get "out of His comfort zone" and meet us where we are!

I was just thinking that I take the time to design crochet clothing, I hand design each stitch with love and determination. I have a vision of how I would like it to look once it is completed. I am sure that God feels the same way about us. He took His time creating us, numbering the very hairs on our heads, "And even the very hairs of your head are al numbered (Matt 10:30)" mapping out a plan for our lives "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jermiah 29:11). " He loves us!

So, how about trying to step out of your comfort zone. . . be a witness for Him. . . . help someone in need. . . . attend a Sunday worship service. . . . spend a little time reading and/or studying His word. . . . I am more than sure that He will honor it - "But seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well (Luke 12:31)".

Monday, July 6, 2009

New is Good!

After my posting I sat and designed a couple of gift certificates for my etsy website. I had been posting on my banner for several months that they were coming. But, I was discouraged and never posted them because I figured it wouldn't matter anyhoo. . . no one was purchasing and my views were few and far between.

Well, I was dead wrong! I have a new person who hearted me and had been sending me several messages about my wrap dress being "Her dream dress". To my surprise and delight she purchased a gift certificate. This was my first purchase from the site that has been up for several months! When I opened my email and saw that a purchase was pending in paypal I almost hit the floor!

So, now I know for sure that trying something new or in a different way and having a positive frame of mind does work! It has given me courage to design more dresses, swimsuits, skirts, etc... AND get the work out and let people see my work! It makes no sense to make the items and keep them in a closet at my home. No one can see them or purchase them there! Duh!!!

I wore the cutest sundress on the 4th of July. It was one of my recent designs. My husband suggested that I wear it a couple of weeks ago when we went to Venice beach to walk. I didn't and I did not get any compliments or inquiries either. On the contrary, when I wore the dress my relatives and friends gave me lots of compliments, inquired about me designing one for them (in their size of course!) and my pricing. So, a closed mouth NEVER gets fed!

The word of God never changes, it is the same and will be for all eternity. But, He does meet you where you are. Everyone has different obstacles and needs. The same applies to us. If the first route doesn't work, cross the street or make a u-turn, it may get you faster! So my friends (and myself) use your talents and don't be afraid to step outside of your box. . . try something new. . . from my recent experience NEW IS GOOD! Yahoo!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Something New!

Today is the first day of blogging. I am excited to share my thoughts and experiences and to learn from those of you who will be reading them.

I have had a site on etsy. com ( for several months that has been viewed but uneventful. I was very excited in the beginning but soon became discouraged because I had not received any sales. I do, however, have a few people that have hearted me! That gave me encouragement. And recently someone inquired about an item and said that it was their "dream item!" That made me smile and think that maybe I could do this if I put a little effort into it and actually believed that it could be a success!

So, today I will try something new! I have researched into creating gift certificates which would enable a person to purchase an item that would otherwise be a little too pricey for them. And, I will post a few new items that I have recently made but not photographed or posted. Also, I will think something NEW in my head. . . positive thoughts, happy thoughts, successful thoughts and put those into action.

I read a devotional today and it spoke of using the gifts that the Lord has given you and the title was ""Are you in a mismatched job?". The title was taken from the scripture: Each of you should go on living according to the Lord's gift to you, and as you were when God called you. This is the rule I teach in all the churches" (1 Corinthians 7:17 TEV).

It goes on to say: We worship God when we give Him our lives every time we pray. Jesus says when we pray, we should commit ourselves to God's will. After I give God my love, I give Him my life. Notice the prayer says, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10 NIV). Did you know God has a specific will for your life? The Bible says in Romans 12 that His will is good and perfect and it fits you. Part of connecting with God is saying, "God, what is Your will for me today? I want to do Your will."

I believe that God has gifted my hands to be creative! To use them to make beautiful things and to glorify Him by using the talents that He has given me. So, today I have done a couple of NEW things. . .
  • Started my first Blog.
  • Created my first gift certificate.
  • Have a new excitement for the direction the Lord is leading me.

I encourage anyone who reads this blog to take some time to reflect and make ask the Lord to speak to you and lead you in the direction He would have you to go. You may be on the correct path OR He may lead you to do "something new". Then, walk in that destiny with faith, joy and determination. He did not say it would be easy, but He did say He would be with you even til the end of the age.

Have a blessed day!