Friday, August 15, 2014

Its Just Material Things!

"So do not worry, ... For the pagans run after these things, and your heavenly Father know you have need of them". Matthew 6:31-32

The past year has be rough (to put it kindly)...  Lots of changes.  I don't like changes.  But, there is a saying that "Change is Good!" and/or "Without change you can not grow".  While that may be all well and true... I STILL DO NOT LIKE IT!!! lol!

So... I had a conversation with someone yesterday complaining about things that have happened, are happening, and what I think of them.  The reply was (of course) spiritual.  You know, the usual... "Count it all Joy!", "Fret Not!", etc... And then, the grandmother of them all... "Someone is looking at your shoes and would love to be wearing them!"  Uggghhh... I was sooo annoyed.  When we hung up I said, "Won't be speaking with you for a while". SMH, LOL!

Sometimes when we vent we want to know that someone cares.  I do realize that sharing the gospel is caring.  God is Love and He is concerned about our welfare.  There are times, though, that we just need a hug and to hear that they hear us, understand what we are feeling (even though they may not agree) and THEY LOVE US!  We need to hear them say the words.

What was also told to me was that I shouldn't worry about the things I have lost.  Especially material things.  They are just that... material things.  And I must admit, I have been worried.... Through the course of our lives we lose things and people... accidentally, stolen, death, tragedy or otherwise.  When we lose things we have memories of them and as time progresses they are replaced and most times with better and/or great memories  Again, I didn't want to hear it at the time and was very annoyed.

As I recapped the conversation later, I realized that everything spoken to me was the truth.  And, Why should I worry over what I have no control of.  If I lose it, it's gone.  I cant get it back.  But, I have breath, life and the gift of a new day to start over.  I was also told I was very gifted and talented and there is my blessing.  A gift of crochet that was given especially to me by God.  God Use It!

So... I want to say, "Thank You for the words of comfort and encouragement" and "Thank You God for another day and the Gift you have given me".  I am off and running with my yarn and crochet needles (which calm me when I'm anxious, worried, lonely) to create something beautiful from nothing.  When the dust settled I realized that you were correct...and the scriptures are true... Dont Worry!   Its just material things.

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