Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Life and Creativity were both inspired at Yarnosphere 2014!

Yarnosphere 2014
Ok Guys, this is a long one . . . .So grab your cup of coffee or tea and (hopefully) enjoy!

I planned to spend the entire day at #Yarnosphere 2014, which was held this year in Bixby Knolls (Long Beach), CA.  So..... I woke up.  I drank my morning cup of Green Tea (Orange Passionfruit Jasmine), had a little nourishment and proceeded to get dressed. I had a few goals and expectations.  One of the goals were met but the day didnt exactly go as I planned.  Here is the spill. . . .

As I arrived to the venue I saw an acquaintance who I attended the event with last year (which was the first year it was held).  We were supposed to meet up but she failed to contact me with times, locations, etc.  So. . . I'm a big girl and decided to go alone.  Well. . .  as I walked up to the line low and behold she was exactly in front of me with a friend.  I spoke, she looked a little uncomfortable so I didn't bother her any further.  As we entered the venue to pay and get our Goodie bags I made sure not to make any eye contact so that she wouldn't feel obligated to talk or offer for me to hang out with them.  I was a little offended but as I said, "I'm a big girl, I arrived alone and I can shop alone"

Me and Marcella (my Client)
I didn't plan to be alone all day because I invited a fellow crochet designer, Renaissance Austin, to meet up with me and I knew she was on her way.  I proceeded to look for yarn for a client who I was designing a dress for so I walked the entire venue first before making a selection.  I found what I thought was the yarn color she desired, I took a pic and sent it to her via text.  I waited, got no response and decided to purchase it.  That is where things fell apart. . . .  or so I thought!!

Once the purchase was made I went to the booth next door to have the skein(s) wound into balls.  I realized that I no longer had my charge card.  I searched my purse, the bag and my pockets.  No card!! So, I went back to the booth to inquire and they said they gave it to me.  Nada!!!  I looked around the booth.  Went to a few other booths.  Looked on the.  Went to a lounge and emptied my ENTIRE purse onto the table (it was junky lol!) and still did not locate it. I went to the front desk to inquire if it was returned to them and was told NO!  Frustrated, angry, disappointed and cashless . . . . I contacted Ren and left the convention to report my card lost/stolen.

Well, my client called to say she didnt like the color and Ren called to say that they were announcing my name because my card was returned as "lost".  Too late!! It had already been reported to the bank!!  Too late. . .  I already purchased the Yarn!! Urggghhhh!!!  That's me. . .  rushing to make decisions, panicking and thinking the worst.  I thought I had waited a good enough time but I didn't want my card to be found and used.  I guess I need to use a little patience and trust.  I've been a little low on both lately.

Long Story short, I went back to the convention with my client "Marcella" in tow to exchange the yarn.  She found a different color and several other colors for future order!!! yay!!! And, also purchased a few skeins for me to make something for myself.  I also met up with Ren and we three sat talking for a while exchanging life stories and making fast friends.

Me and "Ren" Rennaissance Austin
These women are so optimistic and find light and joy in the darkest of situations.  They live each day as it comes, have learned to downsize their life to the point where they have just enough possessions to survive and readjust (if needed).  Their stories brought a smile to my face where I was earlier distraught and discouraged and let me know that even when you think no one cares or is watching you are mistaken.

The moral of this story??? . . . . I started the day expecting it to go one way but it make a slight turn. . . . went off course for a few hours, but ultimately ending much better than I could have imagined.  I will be introducing my friend Ren to you in the coming blog posts.  If your life is (in the words of the FRESH PRINCE OF BEL AIR) "tossed turned upside down", I'm sure you will be INSPIRED to look at things from a fresh perspective, reassess your situation, straighten you back bone, and take another stab at it.  I did on that Hot, Frustrating Saturday at Yarnosphere 2014. And I'm so glad I did!

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