Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Be Generous. . . There is Enough Out There For Us All!

I have a question . . . .Has a friend ever told you about a great deal they received but failed to let you know where it was?  Has an acquaintance (we wont call them a friend, lol!) found out about a great opportunity that could be of great benefit to you but didn't want to see you progress better than them? (The Crab effect)  It happens all the time.  I don't understand the logic and kinda feel sorry for them.  They don't know the benefits of being generous.  It doesn't just benefit the other, it also benefits the person that shares the information.

This is one thing that attracted me to (Sedie) Sedruola Noel Mruska of Yarn Obsession. . . . her selflessness and generosity.  She runs a thriving Crochet business and has recently begun a mentoring program (which I am proud to say that I am a part of!!) which helps newbies (or not so new but in need of advice) to be informed of new strategies and concepts that will help grow their businesses.  

I love her spirit and willingness to share.  She seems (to me) to be very positive and determined.  I watched her for a while before I reached out to her and I'm glad I found the courage to do so.  She has become a very important part of my life and business and I am very happy to introduce her to you.  I hope you take the time to check out her pages and find something you love. (Which I'm sure you will!) Enjoy the interview . . . . 

1.  Tell me about yourself and how we came to meet
I am a mommy, entrepreneur, wife and so much more! I love to crochet, read, relax and spend time with friends and family. I met Tracy via my Yarn Obsession page in 2013 when she reached out to ask if I could help with her online presence. Her clothing pieces are lovely and it is my pleasure that we are still in contact today!

2.  What are your gifts and talents?  Where they taught or God given or both?
This is a very interesting question. I'll tell you, for a long time others saw my gifts and talents LONG before I did! I'm the ultimate people-person. I have a gift for not only being able to get along with most people, but intuitively I bring people together. That is my gift, my talent and my calling! Is it God-given? Yes, I believe it is because it has always been so. I have other talents and gifts that draw upon this one big "superpower" and as long as I stay true to it, I find that I'm extremely fulfilled.

3.  What is your brand and what was your inspiration for starting it?
My brand is Yarn Obsession! But ultimately, the brand is me and I am the brand. I started Yarn Obsession as a way to make a few extra dollars to cover the cost of my hobby. Then it was to gain a bit extra for my family. Today, Yarn Obsession is what I want to do full-time and has evolved as a way to take my talent and help others build upon theirs! The evolution of Yarn Obsession has been gradual but steady and it's still evolving. The marketplace is always changing and I'm just happy and blessed enough to be able to do something I LOVE and evolve with the marketplace.

4.  Where can your brand be seen?  Website, twitter, fb, youtube, etc...
People ask me that all the and I start to list off my places, but then I say just Google "Sedruola Maruska" it will all come up for you. . . even other ventures that are not defunct! However, or ease of research I'll list them here:
YouTube: http://youtube.com/yoacademy (brand new branch of my brand)
5.  How can customers shop or place and order?
In the last year I've moves all of my products to my website so it's easy to shop in one place. http://yarnobsession.com/products-page I love it because I have full control and when I send people to my site they don't get distracted. I also have a ton of free information that is helpful to yarn arts businesses and more coming every day!

6.  What advice do you have for someone striving to create a brand or find their gifts/purpose?
My advice is to read, learn and get inspired by everything around you then jump in with both feet! Don't wait for the exact right time to start, that time is when you think you want to start. Things will never be perfect, but just going for it will open up doors and experiences and ideas that you would never get by waiting. Trust in yourself and your inner-voice then move with confidence. Invest in your learning whether that be books, classes, mentoring or coaching. No one goes alone. Most of all I want to let other know that if the desire is there and you give yourself the opportunity to follow it, you'll never regret moving with your passion.

7.  Do you run your business full time or are you bi-vocational?
I run my business full-time and I have a part-time gig! LOL! What I mean by that is I'm always thinking and planning for my business. I spend the majority of my waking hours working on ways to deliver valuable content to the marketplace. My part-time gig I could do in my sleep, and often feel like I am. However, I have a few goals and milestones set out. Reaching them will mean getting rid of the gig and truly being a full-time business builder!

If you are in need of business mentoring for your knit or crochet business I recommend that you reach out to Sedie and check out her mentoring program. (contact information is listed above) You'll be glad that you did.  Have a great day!

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