Saturday, November 1, 2014

Watch and Learn while on your ladder to Success!

"We often learn from our differences more than our similarities, and those ascending the ladder of success can watch and learn from those a few rungs above them." - T.D. Jakes

I am excited about this series of interviews I have begun.  It is exciting to read the answers to questions I have presented to the various people in my life who I am watching and who have motivated me on my quest to build my brand.  Now let's be clear . . . all of these people are not crochet designers. . . .  they are people following their passion.  They are people using the unique gifts and talents that are God given and (at times) developed or enhanced educationally.

Sometimes we are asked to do things that we think are small scale and do not have an impact.  We kinda turn our nose and think they are a waste of time and won't get us noticed or help us grow in the direction we would like to go.  But, EVERYTHING thing happens for a reason.  Nothing is a coincidence.  I have learned that more recently than all the years of my life.

Approximately three years ago I was asked to do a fashion show with my sister at her Women's Ministry Luncheon in Oklahoma City.  It was for her church (of course, I said Women's Ministry. Duh!!) lol!  I packed up my things, flew to Oklahoma for several days and participated.  I was only able to show a few things because the models selected were either too small or too large for the items I created.  I was kinda bummed because I packed all these things and only showed a few.  I felt it was a waste of time, effort and money.

Lots of pictures were taken at the event and they were posted to Facebook.  Some time later I was told that I was invited to participate in the first Oklahoma City Mercedes Benz Fashion Week!  (See! small things can create big opportunities!)  I met with the gentleman, he connected me to those in charge and the rest is history.  He also connected me to a women who had experience doing these type of fashion shows and suggested that we team up so she would become my Mentor.  We did, and again the rest is history!

I will be introducing her to you this Tuesday and invite you to stop by and read her interview.  I am sure you'll be inspired by her story.  I also hope that (if you haven't already) you begin your quest to surround yourself with people who inspire and encourage you to embrace your gifts, work through your struggles, believe that God has your back and push you to reach your goals.  No man is an island.  We all need each other and also to see or read the stories of those who have taken the steps we are are now taking.  It lets us know we are not alone. . . . we are stronger than we think . . . and slow and steady wins the race.

So, read the stories of those who are successful, reach out to them (if accessible) and grasp and learn what you can. This is will inspire you as you climb the ladder to success. See you Tuesday!

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