Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Exhausted but Happy!

     I am sooo exhausted that I can hardly see straight.  I have been up crocheting until 2am to complete an order.  I am not complaining by any means, just explaining.  I was sharing with a church member that when you ask the Lord for something be prepared for it.  He has a habit of giving it to you in large doses.  And I am thankful for it!!!
      I just put my Christmas Tree up on Friday.  I dont know why I didnt put anything up with yarn!!!  Last year I saw a Christmas Tree and garland displayed in Macy's that was filled only with lights and various colored yarn balls!!!  You know I almost flipped my wig.  lol!
     Just this Saturday I was also in Target and saw ornaments for sale for $5-$6 dollars that were balls of yarn with a snowflake hand embroidered on it.  It was pretty cute, but I have too much yarn at my house to purchase something like that.  But, it makes you think outside of the box. 
     A friend of mine placed a large crochet order for gifts for her son's classmates, her co-workers and his teacher.  I really appreciate her patronizing my shop.  I also appreciate that she thought enough of them to purchase something that was handmade and also made in america!!!  Things like that show that you took the time to be thoughtful in your gift giving. 
     Many times we run to the store to spend lots of money and get caught up in the hustle and bustle instead of being creative!  It is when we sit still and think, pray, meditate, relax. . . . that we hone in on that special gift or think of new and genuine ways to express our love and appreciation for family and friends.
     Dont get caught up in all of the commericals that urge you to spend money that you do or dont have, dont get caught up in trying to compete with someone else, dont get caught up in trying to be something that you arent!  Do you, and if it takes you out of your comfort zone, makes you spend a little more time being thoughtful and creative, it will be well worth it.  You'll be exhausted . . .  but Happy! 
MERRY CHRISTMAS and dont forget that CHRIST is in Christmas! 
                                                                                                                                     Love ya!   

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